Grace Church of All Nations us a multicultural Pentecostal Church whose vision is to reach out to all people regardless of race, ethnicity or culture. Archbishop Judah (A. Livingston Foxworth) believes that God is calling His church to a higher level in purpose found in Isaiah 2:2, where it says,
“In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.” NIV
Grace Church of All Nations is a big church and keeping in touch with one another is so important to everything we do. We want to know about you, answer your questions, and put you in touch with others so you can build relationships and experience the ministry of friends in our family of faith.
Cooling & Heating Systems Fund Raising
Grace Church Of All Nations
33 Elm Hill Avenue
Dorchester, Massachusetts 02121
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