Welcome to Grace Health 2020.

Coordinated by Lady Karen:

Session 1

While “Sheltering in Place” separately, but at the same time, each of us is having a unique experience. My personal response is to encounter this time of death and despair with prayer for the families in pain, those I know and those I hear about. Covering all those who will die fighting for us in this new kind of war. Serving and protecting as they pledged to do. The medical workers, the government officials and first responders. I thank God for the opportunity to be at home at this time, free to commit more time to prayer and ministry even within the confines of home. Everyone is touched by this pandemic in profound but different ways, but we are called to respond with faith, prayer, and following the steps to safety laid out by our civic leaders. Lord protect us, we will be humble, seek you, pray, turn from wicked ways; please God, forgive us and heal our broken land! This is my prayer.

We must stay connected to each other, like the vine that Jesus taught about, keeping us fresh, growing and strong. One way to achieve this is by partnering up to pray daily, utilizing all the modes of communication at our disposal.

What do you need to accomplish in this complex time of pain and isolation? Complete Isolation can quickly turn to panic and despair. The alternative to isolation and despair is to fill your time with purpose; focus on things that matter to you and God. Know that it’s okay not to be okay sometimes, but know that our faith acknowledges in Jeremiah 18:3 that The Lord will mold us into something better than we were before. Trust Him with your emotions, your mind, your thoughts. Whatever else you do now, be selfish. Take time to hear from God. Yes, even with the domestic and social changes we are dealing with.



As this is our time “off” to “stay safe” from being exposed to the virus, we must do that by

maintaining ‘social distancing’. We must employ wisdom as we navigate complications of: our jobs, food shopping, doing laundry, using transportation; transacting (or postponing) the business of regular business: bills, appointments, medication, meeting needs of dependents. Do not forget to seek God in all decision making, as He is our light in the darkness. As we venture out, if we must, as we use discernment, we also remember that we will “Fear no evil” since we are never alone.

Make a list of your goals for the family with the family, but more importantly make goals for yourself. The airline industry puts it best when they implore us to apply our life-saving mask before our charge’s. We must make plans to strengthen and keep ourselves healthy through this trial.

The most common human response to fear and despair is anxiety. This is a little word that is as critical as the many people it affects (all of us!): to varying degrees in different ways. It also is interpreted in each one of us differently. Some of us do not fear, but we care. We are concerned for our loved ones, our jobs, our debt, our mental health status. To be (confined indefinitely) with a person or persons you find out you do not know or like, “Lol”. What is your trial to be?

Soon, we will explore Anxiety. We all have it, some of us more often than others, and to varying degrees. Today, we will plan to list an overview of what we may need right now to be basically “Well”: emotionally, physically, and spiritually for this season. I’m sure you have many excellent ideas, but we can start here. Some of us may have most of these under our belts already, so you can now add to this list or cross some items off.

    1. Conduct a needs assessment: What do you need to be well right now?
    2. Stay away from others as much as you can: Use delivery methods whenever possible, ask around for how others get things done. This is new to all of us.
    3. Feel comfortable securing your needs with what you have: financial and other resources available: Again, share information. Don’t forget to consult “Jehovah Jireh”, Our Lord who provides our every need.
    4. Try to shop smart, hydrate by drinking plenty of water, eat fruits and vegetables, frozen if not fresh, then canned: Take time to plan portioned sizes and healthy snacks. A great time to work with your family to plan, discuss, prepare, and consume meals. Pray, eat, talk, teach and play together. (Fellowship!)
    5. Make time to get exercise and fresh air daily!: get sunlight, breathe fresh air, move. Be creative , and 😊safe! Schedule a daily time of Praise set aside for clearing your mind of clutter by occupying it with God. Giving thanks. Start a “Thankful” journal right now. Your memories of the benefits in a time of trial will be crystal clear and an inspiration to many.
    6. For singles, parents, seniors (in and out of senior living circumstances), Care givers and couples included; STAY IN TOUCH, reach out daily to someone you trust, to: encourage, and be encouraged, care, laugh, pray, talk with. This is a must! Share your feelings with someone!
    7. Sleep well! God’s promise of sweet sleep is for our wellness, mental and physical: Try chamomile, lavender, or other herbs in teas; Sample bedtime routines that end with a good night’s sleep; starting with a hot lavender or Epsom salt bath, moisturizing with earthy organic oils in or after bath.
    8. If you watch TV, time the amount of News watched, enjoy light, mixed genres of shows. Limit screen time, for you and family as much as you can control it.
    9. Try a hobby or hobbies that give enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment within boundaries: ☺
    10. Although it is exciting to schedule our days loosely, remember our daily to do list: With more ‘free’ time, we can schedule more personal bible study and prayer; personal growth!

We need it, with so much more to pray for. Learn more about being that intercessor you already know you are. Use your internet wisely, connect with the Holy Bible app. Stretch.

I am humbled to communicate with you during these trying times. I understand that we are experiencing varying degrees of discomfort, but my prayer is that, with love, compassion, understanding, humility and patience we can encourage each other, and become a stronger body, (assembly) for having done these things.

Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV) The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.


Karen Foxworth
BA, MA, CAGS, Psychology;
Graduate of Institute of Integrative Nutrition
Ordained Minister, PEC